I decided to do
something fun for my birthday today (29th, thanks for asking). So I
hooked up with Amelia Reid
Aviation at Reid-Hillview Airport in
San Jose, the folks who also run RideInABiPlane.com. I had
picked up a business card and flyer from them at the Watsonville Air Show (see
entry) a few weeks ago.
Anyway, we flew for about 40 minutes. Here are some pictures from the experience. The plane had room for two in the front, so Ray came along too.
It was great fun. I highly recommend going for a ride. I'm now tempted to work on my power license after the book is done.
Posted by jzawodn at June 04, 2003 04:08 PM
Wow, great pix, and it looks like it was a heck of a lot of fun! Man, I'd love to get up in a biplane someday, been a huge ww1 aviation fan for just about forever.... there are some sexy planes out there now, but biplanes have more personality somehow.
Oh, and happy birthday!
You're only 29? Wow, I'm feeling old.
Happy belated birthday.