Many months ago I went looking for a solution that'd work with Exim and Courier to provide POP before SMTP mail relaying for an ISP with 15,000 accounts. After a lot of searching, I stumbled upon exact and am glad to report that it works most excellently. There were a few bugs to iron out on Solaris, but the author was very responsive and helpful.
This was difficult enough to find that I figured I should blog it. Doing so may increase someone else's change of finding it in the future.
Posted by jzawodn at May 04, 2003 07:27 PM | edit
Thanks for the link, I've been thinking about POP before SMTP for a while now as I use authenticated SMTP for my users and I'm getting fed up of supporting people. People either forget to go and check the box or check the "secure authentication" one instead.
Will Outlook (Express) definitely check POP before trying to send? Otherwise it would be equally annoying.
I don't really know. I'd have to setup OE and test, I guess.