I couldn't agree more with Sterling when he says I want my web back. He's sooo right. This stuff is getting too hard. Have we lost sight of what the web is supposed to be about and how it has managed to grow this quickly?
I used to love putting stuff on the web. Now it's a pain. I seek out tools to make the job easier. Not because I'm lazy but because the barriers to publishing seem to have gone up. I have to worry about so many more stupid things. Granted, some of it comes from the increased expectations. I could keep publishing like it's 1994, but I suspect that would cause its own problems.
Thank god for MovableType, huh? Have you paid for your copy? (I have. And it was some of the best money I ever spent.)
I hadn't intended this to be an advertisement for MovableType. Sorry about that. But I have no problem chatting about my favorite tools and why they're great.
MT is easy to use (it Just Works) but is also very hackable at the same time. Witness the growing repository of MT plug-ins.
Posted by jzawodn at April 19, 2003 05:00 PM
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