My bike has been back from the shop for about five days. I haven't been for a ride yet. And the weather has been excellent.
Perhaps Wednesday. That's probably the only sane day I'll have between now and Sunday.
Posted by jzawodn at April 07, 2003 09:43 PM
You're being lazy.. I've already been out several times on my bike.. and the weather hasn't been nice here at all.. (several inches of snow on the ground today).
I know what you're saying - I got my bike back from the shop for it's annual tune-up a week ago and I haven't looked at a bus schedule since.
And what make/model of bike is everyone riding? I'm curious. :-)
there's an easy answer to that. do what i do and commute to work on your bike. i've been without a car for just over 2 years and have commuted every day, rain or shine, even when i was living in seattle. i absolutely love it and here in orange county, i can get to work faster in the mornings on my bike than i can in the car. my roundtrip mileage is about 44 and it takes me about 2.5 hours total. coming home is a bit faster than going in since it's all downhill. ;)
josh, to answer your question, i read a serotta legend ti built with campy record 10. the ex racer in me doesn't want to go away. ;)
Specialized Hardrock Comp FS. I did manage to take a forest trail for a week, until the weather screwed up again down here. More snow than we ever saw during the winter. In April.