Apparently some "sponsored matches" are bought on a
parameterized basis. When a user searches for $something,
the ad code constructs an ad based on a template that replaces
$something where appropriate.
Sometimes, however, that can lead to unfortunate messages. Take, for example, the image on the right. (Click for a large version.) By searching Yahoo for "shit", you get a mySimon Sponsored Match that begins with "Shit on mySimon." It then goes on to extol the values of comparison shopping.
No, I wasn't searching for shit. I'm often looking for shit on-line, but rarely am I literally looking for shit. Someone noticed this at work and simply had to tell the rest of us about it (as you can imagine).
Update: Kalyan notes that "pee" and "puke" also provide some entertaining matches.
Posted by jzawodn at March 26, 2003 05:54 PM