There's a lot of random stuff I need to learn for my upcoming practical test--mostly for the oral test. So I'm going to force myself to study and learn it by blogging some of it.
I need to know the phonetic alphabet. So I'll type it out here. Or as much as I can without looking up what I don't know.
- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Delta
- Echo
- Foxtrot
- Gulf
- Hotel
- India
- Juliet
- Kilo
- Lima
- Mike
- November
- Oscar
- Papa
- Quebec
- Romeo
- Sierra
- Tango
- Uniform
- Victor
- Whiskey
- X-ray
- Yankee
- Zulu
Okay, I missed a few and had to look 'em up: India, Mike, Oscar, Quebec, and Uniform.
If I do this about 10 more times, I should be set. But I won't bore others with that exercise. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at March 11, 2003 08:44 PM
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