So I just read about AOL and Microsoft teaming up against SPAM in the Washington Post. And I have to wonder where we are on the matter at work.

There's a lot of talk about anti-spam stuff. And we have assloads of anti-spam tech and the hardware to make it all work. But I don't have a clue what our official position on legally prevening, punishing, and otherwise banishing those who spam really is.

And that bothers me a bit.

Posted by jzawodn at February 22, 2003 01:48 AM

Reader Comments
# Derek said:

Is this where I point out that it's not in Yahoo's best interests to fight spam, because a good chunk of their income is from Yahoo!Stores, which habitually sits on the cusp of various DNSBLs for not doing anything about stores that spam? or that another chunk of revenue comes from its hosting services, another area that it rife with spammers which Yahoo doesn't seem to want to do anything about?

on February 22, 2003 04:30 AM
# Mathias said:

Why does your link take me to here:

Same thing on the previous entry.


on February 22, 2003 06:09 AM
# anon said:

This is a good point about Y! Stores.

The other financial reason for Yahoo! not to block spam is that it fills up the free mailboxes they give out. Then the peoople with free mailboxes buy more space from Yahoo.

on February 22, 2003 04:31 PM
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