Via Dan Gillmor:
Google, which runs the Web's premier search site, has purchased Pyra Labs, a San Francisco company that created some of the earliest technology for writing weblogs, the increasingly popular personal and opinion journals.
And, later on:
Developers of blogging software have been finding user-friendly ways to help readers of weblogs and other information find and collect material from a variety of sites. It's in this arena that the Google-Pyra deal may have the most implications. More than most Web companies, Google has grasped the distributed nature of the online world, and has seen that the real power of cyberspace is in what we create collectively. We are beginning to see that power brought to bear.
Cool. Go Google!
Posted by jzawodn at February 15, 2003 09:33 PM
"Bringing Google's legendary commitment to customer service and open practices to Blogger..."
Oh. Yeah. Well, they've got more, if not better, servers than Pyra, and no shortage of bandwidth, anyway.
"Google has grasped the distributed nature of the online world, and has seen that the real power of cyberspace is in what we create collectively."
Am I the only one that thinks they may be placing too much emphasis on what bloggers think?
Previously I have believed the whole PageRank concept of giving higher ratings to higher linked to sites is not entirely democratic. People that do not have the time/drive/know-how to publish information on the web aren't getting a "vote." Actually, maybe blogging will give more people a vote.
Maybe the big G will be hiring, looking for people with search and blogging experience :-)
How about this - this is great for Google - and now the large superpower (Yahoo) will turn it My.Yahoo.Com page into a mini portal with a weblog :)
Jeremy - go kick some butt upstairs - I have been telling a friend of mine (who works at Yahoo) for some time that this was going to happen it was only logical, there are someother things I think Google is going to do outside of the blogging space that are going to make all of us stand up and say WOW - I am so good at predicting these kind of things, too bad I dont have the $$$ to implement them before anyone else does :)
I say Google does 2 more purchases this year that will put Yahoo on notice even more than they are now. Search is the Internet - always has been, and that is the bread and butter for Yahoo, and now Google will become the largest competitor to Yahoo (now that AOL is going down the tubes....)
Jeremy you quoted:
Google has grasped the distributed nature of the online world, and has seen that the real power of cyberspace is in what we create collectively.
I just wish that Yahoo Finance by moving to a blog format over a message board format would be the first step to giving its users the tools to collectively create something.
The PHP MySQL Weblog software is ready and waiting for you at to improve on. Without new tools the users will burn out. Empower them. It's been a while since "Recommend this post" and "Sentiment" came out!