Holy crap!

I had a cup of Coffee this morning because I got up rather early but was feeling especially sluggish. It's my first cup of the year. It really did the trick.

I really understand how some folks quickly grow dependant upon it for their "morning jolt." I'm just glad I won't be one of them. (I drink maybe 6 cups per year.)

Posted by jzawodn at February 15, 2003 07:12 AM

Reader Comments
# Baldur Bjarnason said:

I'm a total coffee-addict myself.

Not a caffeine-addict (well, I am, but in a selective sort of way). I don't particularly like tea instant coffee or caffeinated sodas.

But good, dark, black coffee (FairTrade, of course, but no milk, no sugar, no silly added flavours or froth)...


The taste, the feeling, the smell, the whole experience has me hooked.


on February 15, 2003 08:17 AM
# kasia said:

I can't function without coffee..

on February 15, 2003 08:25 AM
# Steve said:

Geez -- being in Seattle, I drink my manditory pot of Verona every morning :)

on February 15, 2003 08:44 AM
# Dan Isaacs said:

I'm needing to break my C8H10N4O2 dependency. Mountain Dew is my carrier of choice. It's killing my teeth and my waist. Not to mention how much C8H10N4O2 fucks up my sleep.

I just have to schedule some time for the withdrawl period.

on February 15, 2003 09:13 AM
# jr said:

From my own experiments with caffine, I've found that it's most effective if you don't have it frequently. Your body tends to build up an immunity to the "jolt" over time, but it can be flushed out pretty cleanly after about a month's abstinence. I used to be a serious caffine junky until I developed problems from it, I switched to water (which I've found also wakes you right up in the morning).

As for coffee? I've never really gotten into it. It's really just thin, burnt bean soup and the guy behind the counter gets confused when I ask for basil and ground pepper.

on February 15, 2003 10:01 AM
# Damon said:

The other morning I happened to have a can of Code Red and a can of Red Bull next to each other. Of course they went together to make Code Red Bull - boy that kept me buzzing into the early afternoon!

on February 15, 2003 12:30 PM
# l.m.orchard said:


(Sorry, I couldn't help it.)

on February 15, 2003 02:33 PM
# havoc said:

Coffee: Not only is it good, it's good for you

I'm going to have to look into why the link to Google got broken... grrrrr...

on February 15, 2003 04:25 PM
# havoc said:

A ha! fixed it. (hint: bad search term! bad, bad search term!)

Coffee Good!

on February 15, 2003 04:29 PM
# Gerald said:

6 cups of coffee per day - not per year - had been my daily consumption. but now I diversify - and drink some cappuccinos as well.

on February 15, 2003 05:07 PM
# Josh Woodward said:

I'm even worse than the rest of you. I've become such a coffee addict and snob that I now buy unprocessed "green" coffee beans and roast them myself. That way they're always fresh and roasted just the way I want (not to mention half price, which is important when you drink as much coffee as I do).

on February 18, 2003 05:37 AM
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