This is too cool. A DBD::google module on CPAN:
DBD::google allows you to use Google as a datasource; google can be queried using SQL SELECT statements, and iterated over using standard DBI conventions.
I've been wanting an SQL interface to Google for so long. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at February 11, 2003 08:45 PM | edit
*blink* *blink*
Way better than those stupid soap calls.
It's vanished! The link is now broken (it wasn't when I checked this story out a few days ago) and a search on CPAN doesn't turn up anything. I wonder what happened. (the main CPAN mirror) is having some RAID problems at the moment ( says more) and will be down for a little while re: updates.
Unfortunately, this means you may not be able to find the new Tie::Google module, by the same author. But it'll be there soon.
I've made copies of both DBD::google and Tie::Google
available at, since
CPAN has been having availability issues.
Sounds interesting. But is there a difference in performance or ability between the SOAP and the DBD package?