On the topic of Clay's Power Laws essay, Burningbird responds:

I started out linking primarily to the more well known webloggers. However, over time, I found other weblogs and webloggers who I tended to read more and more, and appreciate more than the so-called elite webloggers. Most of these people I met in my comments, and in comments on other weblogs. As I added more of these people to my blogroll, and linked to them in my postings, I tended to link to the elite bloggers less and less because I found that I just didn't read them as much. In other words, as my experience level increased in weblogging, my reliance on linking to a set group of elite bloggers decreased.

All I can say is, "Me Too!"

Posted by jzawodn at February 09, 2003 06:49 PM

Reader Comments
# Dan Isaacs said:

Ya know, Mark is probably the most popular blogger I read. But I only read him because he lives a mile or so away, and we schedule meatspace lunches. And the content is good.

Honestly, knowing that ten thousand other people are reading something doesn't make me anymore inclined to spend my time with it. No, I need the comfort of hundreds of thousands. So I read Slashdot.

on February 9, 2003 08:45 PM
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