Apparently, you can legally fly without ID. Thanks to Derek and jwz for the link.

I may just have to try that out myself. I think we all should. Perhaps if enough of us do, the airlines will get the message and stop inventing laws to make their lives easier.

Posted by jzawodn at February 02, 2003 06:42 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# Jason said:

I find this sort of humorous. Sure, you can travel anywhere you want, any time you wish. And, if you are doing it by car, motorcycle, personal watercraft, foot, bicycle or some other means that does NOT involve other people and/or a large company, you can do so without an ID.

People seem to forget that if an airline chooses to start a policy requiring ALL passengers to present an autographed copy of the Jeremy Zawodny MySQL book, they could do that. If you do not have a copy, you are not getting on the plane.

It's similar to a guest visiting a large company, say Yahoo!. I doubt they would just be let in the door with out some sort of security check.

I hope people start to realize that flying a commercial airline from point A to point B is NOT a constitutional right.

on February 2, 2003 11:42 AM
# Anon said:

"Perhaps if enough of us do, the airlines will get the message and stop inventing laws to make their lives easier."

Perfect idea! Then the airlines can also start raising fares to compensate for having to do in depth searches of every bag. I hate it that the airlines keep doing things trying to make their lives easier! I would prefer that their lives be crap. That is why I treat all airline attendants like crap and act like a jackass when I am flying.

on February 2, 2003 01:48 PM
# danno said:

I don't know where I stand on this.

It is definitely wrong to say that it is a federal law, and for this reason I would say the airlines need to change their policy.

However, I think I have to agree with the above comment, in a "not so apparently agitated way". It is your right as an American to travel within the US without papers, but by what mode. I am not sure about this, but it appears logical that an airline could have a policy requiring government issued identification. If you refuse to show it, they refuse to let you on the plane. That would be a policy not a law. I imagine, (and again I don't know) that an airline can refuse a passenger the privilege to fly on their airline.

For example in Boston, there are a few bars that will not accept out of state ID's. So they refuse the right to enter the bar. This is a little different I understand, but it touches the same concept, any state issues ID from the US is as valid as any other, so why refuse entry. The bar can legally refuse entry because it is a private establishment, the question is, do airline have the same right?

Either way, it was very interesting article, and I do agree with it. I hope this stops the airlines from lying to its customers.

I just recently went on a trip out of Logan with family, and as I was unloading the luggage before driving to the car park, an older man approached me. He said he would give me a hundred bucks to drive him to Needam, about 20min away, because his wife forgot her ID. I felt terrible for him, but needed to get to my flight so I couldn't help him. Unfortunatly I didn't hear of this sooner, or I certianly would have went with him to the desk.

I wonder if he ever ended up making his flight?

on February 3, 2003 08:14 AM
# said:

I have been compiling information about the experiences of people who have chosen to fly without ID (including myself). I have collected these experiences at

on November 8, 2007 04:11 PM
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