For several days last week, the cavernous convention halls here became battlefields in the copyright wars. On balance, the entertainment cartel didn't seem to be doing very well.
The iTrip is a cool iPod add-on.
I should have attended the bloggers dinner in SF last night. I didn't do nearly as much as I expected. That would have been more fun, I suspect.
Ben Hammersley says:
In what must be the fastest, most in-depth, distributed product review in history, Apple's new browser, Safari is being bashed about all over the blogosphere.
I think Apple has done a good job with Safari. It's a first public beta and I've only seen two big complaints: (1) the lack of tabs, and (2) the various CSS bugs that Mark has been finding. Let's give Apple some credit. They're building a cool iBrowser.
Posted by jzawodn at January 12, 2003 11:47 AM
Thats really not a good thing to get into. I know I've done it many of times, and its kinda conforting that others have the same problem. I thought I was "just plain nuts"
Ugh - yeah. After a rather extended experience with mono I got to be rather paranoid of such sleep cycle disruptions. This lead to the practice of a "reset" - an all nighter followed with rigidly enforced sleep/waking times the next couple of days.
How is it that something that feels so good can ruin the better part of a week? ;p