Well, while taking a break I decided to catch up on some blog reading. It seems that AmephetaDesk has freaked out. It uses hundreds of megabytes of RAM. So I fired up the latest version of NetNewsWire Lite to import my subscriptions. It fails. Well, it imports the first 33 but the other 90 or so are sliently discarded.


Anyone know why? (Yes, I filed a bug reoprt.)

The file is here: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/tmp/bug.opml

Posted by jzawodn at January 09, 2003 09:54 PM

Reader Comments
# sean said:

i was able to load it up in both my homebrewed aggregator and aggie. that probably doesn't help you much but i thought i'd offer it anyway. ;)

on January 10, 2003 08:52 AM
# Adam Keys said:

I too had this problem (importing from AmphetaDesk to NetNewsWire) and I too reported a bug. I also tried the NetNewsWire Pro beta, the problem was present there too.

Hopefully the chance to close two bugs simultaneously will motivate Brent to fix it :)

on January 10, 2003 09:24 AM
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