Phil Windley just mentioned his warflying experience again. That got me thinking. I wonder what I'd find flying a glider over the southern parts of Silicon Valley.
Maybe I'll give it a shot this summer after I get my license. I have all the necessary equipment. I'd just need to convince one of my geek friends to ride in the back seat with the right toys. And I have one in mind.
Hm, I wonder how much of a difference (if at all) it'd make if we flew a metal glider vs. fiberglass.
The other real obstacle would be altitude. In a glider, you don't want to be 1,000 feet over the local population. You want to be several thousand feet above and know that there's either good lift or an airport well within glide distance. So you'd have to hope for the most powerful access points, I guess.
Now if I could convince a towplane pilot to try it, that'd be a different story. I could run the toys while he flew. Or maybe I just need to convince my friend John to get his power license already. I'm pretty sure he's almost there.
Wow, if we caught a thermal over a strong access point, we could blog it from the air! And if we had a sub-notebook with a built-in webcam....
Hmm... What's that saying about idle minds and the devil?
Oh, I almost titled this Warsoaring, but Wargliding has a better ring to it, don't ya think. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at December 31, 2002 07:48 PM
Whatever you were drinking, it must be better than what i was drinking.