The Star Destroyer has to be the coolest lego set ever. And it's big too--3,000 pieces. Kasia pointed me at this the other day and mentioned that someone at work got one. The instruction manual is literally a book. It's roughly 200 pages long.

Oh, how I want one. But I still think I'd rather buy an iPod with that money.

Posted by jzawodn at December 21, 2002 01:51 PM

Reader Comments
# Derek said:

I've been saying for weeks that I'm going to get one of these. But I can't invest in it til I have the apartment unpacked enough to have space to put it somewhere.

on December 21, 2002 02:07 PM
# Basil Hussain said:

That is one bad ass Lego set! You'd better book some time off work if you want to build it...

on December 23, 2002 07:37 AM
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