Wow, look at all the snow coming down. I got to drive thru it a bit today as I was coming back from lunch with Josh. Oh, well. I'm flying back to California tomorrow, so I won't be seeing much more of this, I hope.

Posted by jzawodn at December 02, 2002 02:01 PM

Reader Comments
# Douglas Anders said:

Sadly you picked a crappy day to visit Toledo. Even though we get a fair amount of snow each year, Toledoans just never seem to get the hang of it.

on December 2, 2002 03:54 PM
# Dan de Isaacs said:

Bah. I was plenty used to it. I just didn't like it.

on December 2, 2002 07:41 PM
# paul robichaux said:

I just moved to Toledo after a lifetime in the sunny South. Yesterday was my first-ever driveway-shoveling experience. I went out with two of my sons (ages 7 & 4), and we made the snow fly. Somehow I bet it won't be as much fun today, though.

on December 3, 2002 01:23 AM
# Asa said:


You should have come visit us at Marathon. You could have checked out our new SAP portal that replaced the MaraWeb home page. It is lightning fast with ~ 12 second load time despite a huge load balanced server cluster. It is a site to see. *laughs*


on December 3, 2002 05:39 AM
# Dan Isaacs said:

MaraWeb is dead? That was the coolest Intranet I've ever been privy to. SAP. Jesus.

on December 3, 2002 06:46 AM
# Josh Woodward said:

Heh.. now I know the old MaraWeb was cool, but everyone knows it's much better to get rid of all your computer people and spend millions of dollars on something that doesn't really fit anyone's needs. It gives the HR department stiffies, and in the end, isn't that all that really matters?

on December 4, 2002 04:26 AM
# Asa said:

"Old School" MaraWeb is still alive via a special bypass link. I still use it since it is light years faster than the SAP Portal. The SAP Portal is a bloated piece of junk. SAP Portal won't even render when browsed with IE6.0 when Service Pack 1 for IE is applied. *laughs* Too bad, it doesn't yet work for our soon to be corporate standard! I guess SAP is working on a solution.
SAP Portal also doesn't render on PIE (Pocket IE) and instead only displays two scroll bars. So much for viewing the portal from handhelds!
HR Benefit elections can be completed through the SAP Portal. Too bad, most people get a too busy error message and have to call up an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. Everyone loves IVR. *laughs* The portal team knew enough to go to the IVR system first and hoped to reduce the load on our server farm.

on December 4, 2002 07:40 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:


Maybe as an April Fool's joke, I'll try to get my old Marathon job back. :-)

on December 4, 2002 04:37 PM
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