I used to build nightly snapshots of the MySQL development trees (both 3.23 and 4.0) on both FreeBSD an Debian. But I stopped that a month or two back while I was debugging more important stuff.
I recently decided to get back in the habit and try building snapshots of MySQL 3.23, 4.0, and 4.1 on my machines. I had lots of configuration and build problems. It turns out that I didn't have exactly the right versions of various tools installed. So, if anyone else runs into this, here's what you need.
You don't want autoconf2.13, automake1.4, automake1.6, or automake1.7. You need exactly what I listed. Really.
Isn't the GNU tool-chain fun?
I hope this helps someone else. I wasted quite a bit of time on it.
Maybe I'll share my automated update and build scripts next...
Update: You'll also need an older Bison. The 1.75 in Debian testing dies with funny errors, while I've found that Bison 1.35 works quite nicely.
Posted by jzawodn at November 23, 2002 08:35 PM | edit
From watching php-dev, the PHP folks are also having similar issues trying to keep PHP is a state where it'll build correctly under all the GNU tools. I think I remember automake being a problem for a long time, and bison 1.75 has recently popped up as an issue.
So, it looks like this might be an universal open source problem... :)