I've been mentally and physically off-line for a couple days. A ton of people at work all seem to have gotten very sick as of Tuesday night. I'll spare the details, but suffice it to say that I've not been this sick in a long, long time.
They suspect a problem at URL's, our campus cafeteria. Whatever it was, I sure hope they figure it out and are able to prevent it in the future.
I hope to at least stay awake most of today. Now what am I going to do about this pounding headache?
Posted by jzawodn at November 21, 2002 08:16 AM
Your cafeteria is called URL's?
That rocks... I wanna work at Yahoo...
I've been fighting a bout of "bathroom" sickness for a week now, and I know what you mean.
I have *never* been sick like this.
Maybe it's a blog-transmittable virus? ;)