On Thursday evening, the last Work-in-Progress talk I attended was Philippe Lewicki's "Enterprise Application Migration to PHP/MySQL" in which he described his company's approach to migrating a typical business application to the web using PHP and MySQL. The current system runs a on a Mac server and clients on Windows. The clients can generate simple reports and graphs, as well as running standard queries and entering new data. By using Mozilla, MySQL, PHP, and some interesting PHP modules and add-ons, they've been able to provide a pretty compelling web and open source-based alternative.
Some of the things he demonstrated were really impressive. I'm starting to wish I had taken more notes. Or any notes.
Posted by jzawodn at October 28, 2002 03:47 PM
Hello Jeremy,
I am glad to read your posting. We have moved much forward since this presentation you saw back in 2002. We now have several software implementing the technology we presented you back in 2002 which make web authoring and open source integration accessible to most and bringing real-time collaboration between web developers and web application users/owners.
I will be glad to answer your questions. My e-mail is michael [at] sqlfusion [dot] com We are looking for willing beta testers of WebFusion studio if ever this is something you would be interested in, I would be glad to have you in the community.
The websites are the following www.sqlfusion.com , www.webfusionstudio.com and www.dragdropsitecreator.com