When I put "Jeremy Zawodny" in Googlism, here's what it told me.

jeremy zawodny is an engineer at yahoo
jeremy zawodny is an engineer in yahoo
jeremy zawodny is the executive editor of linux magazine
jeremy zawodny is the head mysql guy at yahoo
jeremy zawodny is blogging the o'reilly os x conference
jeremy zawodny is blogging from osxcon
jeremy zawodny is blogging the o'reilly mac os x conference


Posted by jzawodn at October 26, 2002 11:43 AM

Reader Comments
# kasia said:

How boring :)

"jeremy" is more fun:

jeremy is a girl
jeremy is microsoft windows nt certified
jeremy is the best known male porn star of all time
jeremy is covered in goo for most of the movie

on October 26, 2002 12:00 PM
# Derek said:

Weird. I don't seem to have a googlism. ;-)

on October 26, 2002 12:27 PM
# Dwayne said:

Weird, because I do.

on October 26, 2002 12:43 PM
# Dwayne said:

By the way, if you submit the name 'Derek', he does too have a googlism. That's how I got mine.

on October 26, 2002 01:05 PM
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