I like Kasia's latest idea. Let's all try that. But not on the same day. Maybe we should all use our birthdays as the basis. Since I was born on June 4th, I'll be stupid on the 4th of every month.
Heh. I fear that it would get old after a few months. Maybe. But it'd be fun while it lasted, and it might even make a point.
Posted by jzawodn at September 29, 2002 12:01 PM | edit
hey, considering the fact that it's my birthday as of an hour ago, I'm all for it!
Maybe I should do something stupid like point all of HOTorNOT's traffic at my personal homepage. Then again, if it got me dates or something, maybe it wouldn't be such a stupid thing after all. hmm..
Happy bday James.
So far my stupid act for the day has been to come to work while still with a cold.. if one more person tells me I sound horrible I'm going to kill them in a most painful and brutal manner I can think of.. or at least infect them with a colony of whatever virii I'm breathing out today..
Hmm. You should print out an email, cough on it, and give it to someone. Then tell them they have an email virus. Do it to some snobby, self-righteous Pine user.
good idea, except.. i still use pine. elm sometimes, too, and on a few occasions.. mail