Strangely, I managed to get up before 9am (on a Sunday!) without the aid of an alarm clock. Not sure how that happened. I had some breakfast (muffin with jelly and peanut butter, and strawberry drink) while catching up on e-mail (not much) and blogs (a little more).
I had NPR on for background noise and because I often listen to Weekend Edition on KQED FM.
While listening, I got to hear a great discussion with Peter Gabriel about his new album: Up. I really enjoyed the piece and was thrilled to hear that his first studio album in 10 years is now available. I've been a big fan for a long, long time. I've already ordered it and hope share my thoughts on it later this week.
Posted by jzawodn at September 29, 2002 10:59 AM | edit
Neat.. didn't know he was coming out with a new album.. One of my all-time favourite artists.
I got UP on's AMAZING!! Absolutely love it. I've been a PG fan since hearing US and then started to get all his other stuff. I really like the World Music feel he's brought into his own music. Just thought I'd share.
I second the great album comment. You're going to have to get a stereo with subwoofers to really appreciate the album, my car deck just doesn't do it justice compared to the system in the house :)