David Brooks has an excellent 2-part article (part1, part2) in the Weekly Standard, called "Patio Man and the Sprawl People." It's quite long but well worth the read. I won't bother summarizing it here, but reading it made me think of some of the friends I made in college. Many are now married and moving into nice, new, shiny suburbs. (Hi, Dan.) Meanwhile, I live in the armpit of Silicon Valley and am not sure where I'd really like to end up someday.

Posted by jzawodn at August 13, 2002 11:00 PM

Reader Comments
# Dan de Isaacs said:

Heh. I'd like to point out that I have a deck, not a patio. Oh, that I could have a maintenence free outdoor recreation area...

I own a Weber Genisis 1000. I do love it. It was the first thing I bought after buying the house. I always wanted a real grill. I'm looking into the stainless steel grates, so I can just sandblast them twice a year. These porcalin covered steel things aren't gonna last too much longer. But of course I dream of one of those lovely Frontgate Kalamazoo Dual Fuel Grills


I like the article. It's a pretty accurate description of suburbian growth in the West. But not competely accurate for my area.

Nat'l Geographic did a nice Zip USA piece on Cary, which is across the big road from my 'hood. It's a more accurate description of where I live. Though, I'm offended by the association made between my Northern roots and that shit Derek has on his hat.


on August 14, 2002 06:42 AM
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