Aparently there's a good-sized market for black socks that you can order on-line. I learned this by reading The Great Socket Experiment thread over on K5.
Posted by jzawodn at August 10, 2002 11:42 PM
In an effort to make Linuxians a little more fashion aware, I humbly submit my favorite source for socks, The Joy of Socks.
Nice site, but most of those are for womyn. Are you trying to tell us something, Martin? ;)
FYI: Ovadafut make socks for people who feel that the basic black, white and grey socks just don't cut it.
Why is it that men are so afraid of wearing a pair of funky socks. No one can see them unless you want them to. For any sexual orientation, a funky, cool pair of socks makes a statement and gets noticed. For those like Martin who actually pay attention to detail and shop exclusively for socks is man after my own heart. Martin, when your ready, try our socks.