Well, I've spent the better part of today (literally, since I got up) playing with MT, browsing other blogs and blog-related sites, and a bit of catching up on e-mail.

To try and track my discoveries, I'm going to make a list of the more interesting or useful stuff I've come across. Here goes.

SQLData's RSS Reader -- contains a list of some high-profile sites that provide RSS feeds (or scraped feeds of other big sites). There's also a quick tool you can use to check out a feed if you already have the syndication URL handy.

Ye Olde Phart -- this guy has an amusing weblog. I'll be checking it out from time to time. Don't have a clue how I found it, but that's what's fun about this.

NewsIsFree -- a great free service that will pull RSS feeds and agregate them on a series of pages for you. Has alerts, shortcuts to blog what you find via the Blogger API, and other cool stuff. I've been looking for a good service like this. I can see myself using it quite heavily.

Syndic8 -- a great collection of RSS feeds. Has a ton of useful stats. As I write this, there are over 6,700 feeds but only 700 users. Wonder why more people don't go there. Ah, it doesn't appear ot have a customizable interface like NewsIsFree does. That could be it.

The Snewp -- a simple search engine to help locate feeds and individual articles. Once you find one, it's easy to integrate with other systems.

The Open Directory has a good list of RSS links as well as RSS newsreaders.

Registering and publishing with RSS -- an undated (why do news sites do that?) article on webreference.com about how to get a new RSS feed syndicated at some of the more popular RSS portals.

All of this has given me a most excellent idea for a project at work.

Posted by jzawodn at June 22, 2002 09:28 PM

Reader Comments
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Testing blog comments to make sure everything is configured properly.

on June 22, 2002 11:41 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny 2 said:

Another comment test.

on June 23, 2002 02:51 AM
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