[ Cover Page ] [ Page One ] [ Our
Memories ]
Our Memories of Darrow
We've all lived in Darrow Hall at least once
(it was the Honors dorm, after all)...
- The long, cold walk to ... uhm ... virtually everywhere.
- How many roommates did you go through?
- Scary Jeff.
- The patron saint of roommate problems.
- Janet's frozen
- Gaming in the fish bowl.
- Fire drills in the middle of the night in the middle of
- Dave Harold, our Darrow Hall President.
- Hangin' out with Tom
at the night guard table and staying up way too late.
- Now who is paining that damn rock?
- Chuck.
- The Darrow Wars game.
- "Chili's Run!"
- Star Trek in the lounge.
- Going to Frisch's (to study, usually) because it was the
only decent restaurant we could walk to from Darrow when
it was cold out.
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Jeremy D. Zawodny
/ jzawodn@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Updated: March 1st, 1997