Littleton Stuff

Here are some links to useful sites in contemplating a move from Findlay to Littleton, CO.

Compare lots of stuff between Littleton and Toledo here.

Littleton Community Profile

Compare salraries and other stuf:

Climate data for the Littleton and Arapahoe county area.

Denver Survival Guide

Littleton Community Network

Yahoo Denver Local Guides

The Insiders' Guide to Denver is really good. Lots of useful information.

Rocky Mountain Aerobatic Club

Denver climate information from the World Travel Guide On-Line

Denver info from Preview Travel

Denver info from

Info about Denver from the G-7 Summit that was hosted there. This page in particular is a good one. Talks about the weather, geography, and climate.

Places to live (reference points for housing price comparisons): 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thoughts on buying a condo.

Updated on: Fri Nov 26 12:11:47 1999
Copyright 1999, Jeremy D. Zawodny <>

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