After a good day of soring on Sunday, Harry Fox came by to drop off the covers for the DG-1000. Lance, Drew, and I helped unload the stuff and got to chatting a bit. In the course of conversation, Harry asked me and Lance if we'd like to become ship captains for 9JH and 2BA.
This makes sense. We're out there flying a lot so we might as well look after the gliders we're flying most of the time. Besides, I knew it was just a matter of time before someone said, "you know, these guys fly a lot and seem to have spare time. Maybe we should give 'em some work to do.
And wouldn't you know it... The newsletter came the other day and we're the new ship captains. I've got 9JH and Lance has 2BA. That's a little funny, since he flies 9JH most of the time and I fly 2BA. But not big deal.
Posted by jzawodn at December 17, 2003 10:02 PM