I've spent a fair amount of time looking for a handheld radio to use when flying. It'll serve mainly as a backup to the glider's radio (the battery may die) but it'll also be handy on the ground and if I rent a glider that doesn't have one.

I could get a relatively cheap and featureless radio, but I'm also thinking that I might someday go for power training and beyond. So after lots of reading and some asking and some testing, I've settled on the ICOM IC-A23. It's a bit more than I was planning to spend but it has a great combination of features, a good size, and a lot of folks seem to really like it.

So far, the best price I've found is on Wings and Wheels. I tried Y! Shopping, but the best I found was on Handhelds etc. and they want about $30 more.

And, of course, I do like toys. :-)

Posted by jzawodn at February 13, 2003 09:24 PM

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