October 28, 2003

Murphy's Revenge!

The first rule of Murphy's Law is that you do not blog about Murphy's Law while out of the country.

Let me repeat that.

The first rule of Murphy's Law is that you do not blog about Murphy's Law while out of the country.

It's sort of like the most important rule of Happy Fun Ball: Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball

I apparently taunted Murphy.

Here's what happened...

Three of us headed out a bit before lunch time to do some electronics shopping. I got a cool little video camera and some Compact Flash memory. Arturo did the same and more.

But part way through our journey, I stepped down off a curb only to find that the curb was twice as high as I thought. Needless to say, the outcome was not pleasant. My right ankle and foot are not royally pissed off.

The kicker is that this is the same injury I've had three times before on the same ankle and foot.


The only good part (aside from the cool new toys) is that my body is way more focused on my injury. So the runny nose (cold/SARS/whatever) is much less of an issue.

Yippie. :-(

Posted by jzawodn at 10:05 PM


I'm tempted to add a "murphy" category to my weblog. Why? Because he strikes so frequently. Take, for example, now. I'm giving two back-to-back talks this afternoon at Y! Taiwan. There's nothing wrong with that except for the fact that I have a runny nose from the SARS cold I caught in either Japan or Korea.


The good news is that we fly home tonight. The bad news is that it means spending 11 hours on a plane with a runny nose. But it'll be good to be back home anyway.

Posted by jzawodn at 06:28 PM

English Classes for Children, Adults, and Business Persons

Looking out a window in the Y! Taiwan office, there's a sign that says exactly that. I have to wonder what they really think about business persons.


Posted by jzawodn at 01:06 AM