June 25, 2003

Salon on The Google Backlash

Salon is running a front page story titled The Google Backlash (that's the single page printable version) in which I'm quoted heavily.

(BTW, I love the Google muscle image on the first page. That cracks me up.)

Who'd have thought that my complaints about PageRank would get that sort of attention.

Heh. Don't worry. Blogs are still just a fad, right? :-)

At least that's what I keep hearing... We'll see. There's a heck of a lot of momentum here right now. But we all remember what happened to push technology, right?

Posted by jzawodn at 03:39 PM

Speaking about MySQL at OSCON 2003

Since the conference is right around the corner and I'm finally motivating myself to do something about organizing my talks, I figured it was time to pimp the conference one last time. (O'Reilly likes it when we do that.)

So, click on the logo at the left for my speaker page, or go directly to my talk descriptions: Benchmarking MySQL Queries and MySQL Scaling Pains

I'm really looking forward to the Scaling Pains talk. I get to bitch about MySQL for 45 minutes. :-)

If you're going to be there, drop by and say hi sometime. Or throw rotten food at me while I'm speaking. That's always fun. If you're not going, I will have the slides on-line after the conference, so you'll have an idea of what I talked about.

Posted by jzawodn at 11:55 AM