Okay, he doesn't call it that, but I do.
After all these years, the Unix and Windows cultures are still profoundly unaware of one another's strengths.
Read the whole story in Jon's Towards a unification of strengths article.
My surprisingly popular MSNBOT post got a referral and a TrackBack from http://firstpost.typepad.com/firstpost/2003/06/microsoft_crush.html but tried to follow the link and hit a password prompt. I guess the beta advertised on the TypePad site is running.
It's no surprise that they're using TrackBack, of course.
I've got to give 'em credit for calling the server firstpost. :-)
Tim Bray's second installment is on-line now. It's brief, but I assume it's building up to the third installment.
Go read this Register story and you'll understand.
It's really quite amusing if you're amused by Engrish and similar things.