January 18, 2003

The SSA Sold Me Out?

I recent joined the Soaring Society of America (SSA) now that I'm flying again.

Today I got an "offer" in the mail from Aviation Week and Space Technology (no link, for obvious reason). They'd like me to subscribe at a supposedly discounted rate.

Coincidence? Unlikely.

Posted by jzawodn at 07:55 PM

MySQL Upgrade

I'm at work right now, helping to upgrade the MySQL master in Finance from 3.23.xx to 4.0.9. All the slaves have been running 4.0.x for a while (currently 4.0.8) so it's about time we got the master updated.

This should be interesting...

Update: So far, so good. We're actually running 4.0.8 now on the master and all slaves.

Posted by jzawodn at 02:37 PM